
In an effort to reduce the financial barriers to education, 中央卡罗来纳社区学院的继续教育部门提供了几个奖学金项目来帮助参加短期职业培训项目的学生.


  1. 完成 继续教育 Online Scholarship Inquiry. We can provide information to many outlets within our community, so it is important to begin by filling out this inquiry.
  2. 查看当前奖学金, 奖助金, and available programs and services that may help you with your educational goals.
  3. 继续教育团队将通过电子邮件向您发送最符合资格的奖学金申请. (注意:填写这些申请并不保证你会被授予).
  4. 填写并签署与你申请的奖学金或助学金相关的所有申请表和表格. Fill out and sign the Photograph and Public Release (if applicable)
  5. Return All required application and forms to conedscholarships@weiwei80.com
  6. 如果你还没有, 访问我们的网站查找并注册适合您日程安排的下一个适用课程. 部分课程名额有限.

If you are selected for any of these awards, an award letter will be sent to the email address on your student account. We recommend you keep a copy of this letter for your records.

确保学校账户上的所有信息都是正确和最新的,这一点很重要. 如果您发现任何差异,请与离您最近的在线电子游戏网赌工作人员联系以获得更新.

获奖者: Please allow time for your scholarship to be posted to your account, 由于学院根据他们的程序勤奋地处理每一项奖学金. Once complete, any remaining balance will be mailed to your address on file. 请注意,如果你还没有开始你的课程或如果你仍然需要注册, 资金将不会开始处理,直到课程已经开始,并出席已被适当核实.

注意: 申请人有责任在任何适用的截止日期之前完成上述申请程序.

继续教育 Scholarship Inquiry

Available 奖学金, Grants, and Other 项目

State Employees' Credit Union (SECU) Scholarship

To be considered for this scholarship program you must:

  • 做一个U.S. 公民, 北卡居民,出示社会保障卡和有效的北卡驾驶执照或身份证.
  • Be in one of the following target groups:
    • 失业保险索赔人
    • 失业或未充分就业的成年人
    • 退伍军人或配偶
    • Member of the North Carolina National Guard
  • Completed a short-term training program of 96 hours or more that leads to a state-regulated or industry-recognized credential 这是通过中央卡罗来纳社区学院继续教育计划提供的.
  • 不是国家雇员信用合作社或SECU基金会的雇员或雇员的家庭成员.

如果被选为收件人, 您必须同意将您的姓名和图像用于由北卡罗来纳社区学院系统办公室编写和分发的宣传出版物中, 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院和/或州雇员信用合作社及其基金会.

Short-term Workforce Development (STWD) Grant

短期劳动力发展(STWD)补助金是第一个国家资助的经济援助计划,为符合条件的劳动力继续教育(WCE)学生追求高需求, family-sustaining wage credentials through North Carolina Community 大学.

Please read the eligibility information below before applying for the grant. In order to be approved for this grant you must:

  • 成为北卡罗来纳州的居民.
    • 您将需要一个居住证明号码(RCN)来验证NC居住. 的 RCN number will be requested on the grant application.
    • 参观 NC Residency Determination Service (RDS) website 完成申请,以检索您唯一的居留证明号码.
    • 如果你有一个现有的北卡罗莱纳大学基金会(CFNC)帐户或已经有一个RCN, please use your current account information to sign in. 不创建新帐户.
  • 除了, 申请人必须在中央卡罗来纳社区学院注册,或者正在计划注册一个合格的项目或课程,从而获得证书.
Pittsboro Area 健康 Initiative (PAHI) Scholarship

PAHI奖学金由匹兹堡地区卫生倡议通过在线电子游戏网赌基金会资助, 一个501(c)(3)慈善组织. PAHI的成立是为了提供补助金和奖学金,以促进查塔姆县居民的健康.

Please read the eligibility information below before applying for the grant:

  • 成为查塔姆县的居民.
  • Have not received this award over the current calendar year
  • 撰写并提交一份详细的个人短文,说明你为什么想获得这项奖学金,以及它将如何帮助你.
的 Golden Leaf Two-Year Scholars Program

两年制学院的金叶学者计划将为劳动力继续教育学生提供资助. 的 scholarships help cover the cost of tuition, 费用, 书, 供应, 的认证测试, 运输, 2022-2023年的儿童保育和其他费用将下降, 春天, 夏季学期.


  • 成为北卡罗来纳州的居民
  • 证明经济需要
  • Reside in a rural county that is tobacco dependent, 或者经济困难, as determined by the Golden LEAF Foundation (please see 2022-2023年合格国家).
    • 在最初获得奖学金时居住在符合条件的县的奖学金获得者将保留资格,并且只要学生的居住地在北卡罗来纳州内,就有资格获得续签奖学金.
  • 被选中的学生将被要求披露所有的经济援助奖励(如果有的话),由大学经济援助办公室决定的奖励包装. Golden LEAF 奖学金 will not displace federal 奖助金, e.g. Pell 奖助金, for which the student may be eligible (may displace loan funds).
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)帮助更好地为那些在教育、就业和其他方面需要帮助的人服务.

虽然其中一些可能无法直接帮助学生报销学费或书籍, they can help with many other things including:

  • 工作
  • 里程报销
  • 制服/鞋子的报销
  • Possibly other assistance, if you qualify

When students choose to enter the program, they would be assigned to a case worker who will be able to help you further.

在线电子游戏网赌: NC工作地点
  • NCWorks Harnett County 职业生涯 Affiliate-Dunn:
    业务 服务 Coordinator (919) 775-2241
  • NCWorks 职业生涯 Center in Harnett County- Harnett County Workforce Center
    900 South 9th Street, Lillington, NC 27546, USA
    业务 服务 Coordinator (910) 814-4042
  • NC Works 职业生涯 Center in Chatham County:
    764 West St, Pittsboro, NC 27312, USA
    业务 服务 Coordinator (919) 545-8054
  • NCWorks 职业生涯 Center in Lee County:
    业务 服务 Coordinator (919) 775-2241

终点线资助计划 aims to help students complete their training when facing unforeseen challenges. Finish Line Grants can be used for course 材料, 住房, 医疗需求, 学生所面临的非自身过错的赡养或其他经济紧急情况.

Eligibility Requirements For a Student To Receive a Finish Line Grant

  • Have a good academic standing (GPA 2.0或更高)
  • 已完成(或目前正在注册)至少50%的课程学分以获得证书, 文凭, 或学位
  • 18岁或以上
  • U.S. Citizen or authorized to work in the U.S.
  • 的 maximum total amount of grant funds allowed per student is $1,000 per program year (July 1- June 30)
  • Financial emergency or unforeseen challenge with supporting documentation

Grant Funds Can Be Used For 的 Following Types Of Needs (Plus Others)

  • 交通:学校可能会提供帮助,帮助学生到达社区学院
  • 学杂费:可能会为遇到经济困难的学生提供援助,这些困难对学生支付学杂费的能力产生了负面影响
  • 住房:在学生参加教育活动时,可能会向他们提供帮助,以维持或获得适当的或临时的住房.
  • 公用事业账单:因财务紧急而无法支付公用事业账单(水费), 气体, 和电动)
Central Carolina Food and Nutrition 服务, 就业 & 培训计划

Food and Nutrition 服务 就业 & 培训(FNS E)&T) 该项目是中央卡罗莱纳社区学院和查塔姆县卫生与公众服务部的合作项目. 他们帮助查塔姆县活跃的FNS/SNAP参与者实现他们在教育和就业方面的持续目标.

  • Help create a plan for educational goals
  • Financial Assistance for Curriculum and Occupational courses, 书, 材料, 制服和一些测试.
  • Assistance with the admissions and enrollment process
  • Assistance with job preparatory skills: resumes, interview skills etc...
  • Assistance with completing SNAP application
  • 其他支持性服务转介

Contact: Lincoln Frye, Coordinator of Workforce Access 项目 - lfrye914@weiwei80.com

Deferred Payment Plan 选项 (via NELNET)

Deferred Payment Plan 选项 (via NELNET) - For many students, loans are not an option when planning for school.

的 deferred payment plan is not a loan program or financial aid. With a $30 per semester NELNET Enrollment service fee, students can opt to enroll into a payment plan free of interest, 财务费用和信用检查.

注册ing and paying for school is easy! 资金可用于学费, 费用, and 书 using Automatic Bank Payment (ACH), in conjunction with your financial institution.

Enrollment is done completely online. To enroll you must have a checking account, credit card/debit card or savings account (for ACH), an email address and your student ID number.